
Welcome to the Every Tower

A blog about stuff, including crafting, kids, travel, books, and anything else that springs to mind.

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Advent Calendar Bags

My kids have had commercial advent calendars for the last couple of years. They love opening each day, and they play with when it’s not the festive season, so we have been happy to give them these. Last year, however, we were going away before Christmas, and I did not want to have to pack…

(Fairly) Simple Soft Toys

Yesterday I sat down at my sewing machine to get on with some projects that are long overdue. Time to finish them and get all the bits put away! However, with a two and a four year old hanging over my arms and asking how they could help, my long-overdue projects became more overdue, and…

Travel tips – travelling with kids

In my last post I uploaded my newly consolidated “master packing list”. There are a few things in it that I think are quite smart, so I thought I’d share them here. In no particular order, here are some things you might like to think of next time you’re travelling, in particular travelling with kids.…

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